Citizenship & Discipline


HAWKS – At Hackberry we have 5 major codes of conduct.

Honor Everyone

Academic Achievement

Work Together

Kindness to Others

Safety First.
By acting like a “Hawk” we can ensure that all members of our school enjoy being at Hackberry Hill.


The goal of discipline at HH is to create a positive atmosphere where students have the opportunity to develop to their highest potential. We can achieve this by doing the following:

Maintaining a healthy, safe environment

Creating a positive educational atmosphere

Helping to develop responsible individuals

Creating an atmosphere of caring, respect and trust among students, parents and staff

Accepting each student as an individual and providing opportunities for each student to reach his/her potential

Viewing discipline as a learning process, where students are given a chance to learn from mistakes.

Respecting individual differences in culture, race, religion, abilities, interests, etc.

Problem Solving Process

When a student has a problem with another student or students, we ask them to use the following process. If they are injured or fear for their safety, they should go straight to step 3.

Step 1: Stop - Tell the other student you don’t like what they’re doing and ask them to stop.

Step 2: Walk - Move away from the other student.

Step 3: Talk - Ask an adult for help.

*Note: Do NOT use physical force.

All behaviors covered under the Colorado State Discipline Code and Jefferson County School Policy will be handled in accordance with district policy. All families will be required to review the school Discipline Policy and sign an agreement to adhere to the policy while attending Hackberry Hill. This includes the District Code of Conduct.

Behavior At Events Scheduled Outside The School Day

All students attending special events at Hackberry Hill are expected to adhere to school behavior expectations. Students should not wander through hallways or enter classrooms without permission from school personnel. When attending special events, students should always be accompanied by an adult. All adults attending musical programs are asked to keep any non-performing children seated with them. Children should not be in the hallways or allowed to exit and reenter the performance area unattended. This policy will be strictly enforced.

Lunchroom / Playground

All students are required to clean up their own space after eating in the cafeteria. All students must be dismissed by an adult. Students are expected to use appropriate voice volume and behaviors while in the eating area.

For safety reasons, students must always use the playground equipment in the manner of use intended. Teachers and Educational Assistants will talk to students about these expectations.

Jefferson County School District Discipline Code

In 1993 the Colorado State legislature passed laws to help ensure that schools are safe places for students, staff and visitors, and that the educational process is free of interruption. Jefferson County School District consistently enforces specific policies and procedures related to student discipline. Some serious violations call for mandatory expulsion. Please refer to the Jeffco Schools Conduct Code that is available for each family at the beginning of each school year. Be sure you and your child are familiar with its contents.

NOTE: For the safety of our students, report all concerns about threats or harassment to your teacher or principal.
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