Field trips are scheduled to provide learning experiences not available in the classroom, which support curriculum or units of study. Fees may be charged for any field trip to supplement the cost. Children must have written permission to go on any field trip. It is the child’s responsibility to get the permission slip (with the required fee information) home and back to school by the date requested. For liability reasons, students who do not return permission slips (with fee) will NOT be allowed to call parents for “verbal permission” over the phone. Instead, students without permission slips will remain at school in a classroom determined by their teacher. For safety reasons siblings are not allowed to join a class on a field trip
Parents are often selected to be chaperones for field trips. A list of chaperone guidelines will be sent home prior to the field trip. These chaperones have a special duty to our students and parents that volunteer to be chaperones must follow these guidelines.
At times, our classes access private vehicles for field trips. All parents who volunteer to drive their vehicles for a field trip are required to provide confirmation of insurance. Please be sure a student is not transported in a seat that has an airbag.